The MBSim Environment


The MBSim Environment provides tools for simulation, visualization and analysis of smooth and non-smooth multibody systems.

Used (Quasi)-Standards

The following (quasi)-standards can be utilized by MBSim:
Icon Standard Used for
Functional Mock-up Interface  Export of the complete model using FMI 1.0 for Co-Simulation or FMI 1.0 for Model-Exchange
Hierarchical Data Format - HDF5  All data output is store using HDF5: time series of dynamic analysis; eigenvalues and eigenvectors of eigen analysis; frequencies and mode shapes of modal analysis; system-, input-, output- and feed-through matrix of LTI system exports
FRD files  CalculiX result files as input for flexible bodies
Pacejka Magic Formula MF-Tire/MF-Swift (TIR) Import of tir files to parametrise tires


The history of MBSim and its accompanying tools goes back to the year 2007. It is continuously improved and extended since then.

Start of the MBSim project  at the Institute of Applied Mechanics  at the Technical University of Munich . Initial commit of MBSim and fmatvec as internal subversion repositories.
Birth of HDF5Serie as an internal subversion repository. Switching of the MBSim output files from ASCII to HDF5.
Release of MBSim, HDF5Serie and fmatvec as an open source project on the hosting platform BerliOS .
Birth of OpenMBV  as an internal subversion repository as an improved and modernized successor of AMVis .
Birth of h5plotserie, the GUI for time-series post-processing of MBSim.
Birth of MBSimXML, the XML based model format of MBSim.
The hosting platform BerliOS  closes. Move of MBSim, OpenMBV, HDF5Serie and fmatvec to the hosting platform Google-Code .
Birth of MBSimGUI, the GUI of MBSim.
The hosting platform Google-Code  closes in 2016. Birth of the GitHub  organization mbsim-env . Move of MBSim, OpenMBV, HDF5Serie and fmatvec to the hosting platform GitHub .
Birth of the continous integration (CI) and nightly build system of MBSim-Env on a commercial vServer.
Switched the CI and nightly build system to Docker  containers and switched the vServer hosting provider.
Support for finite element models from external FEM software.
Redesign of the CI and nightly build system based on Django .
Native support for 3D solid elements.
Implementation of Magic Formula for modeling motorcycle and car tyres.

Dependent Tools and Libraries

MBSim and its tools and libraries make use of a lot of other 3rd-party tools and libraries during build and runtime. As MBSim itself, all these tools are free open-source tools. Special thanks goes to the following, none exclusive, alphabetical list of such tools:

Boost  Coin  Django  Doxygen  HDF5  MinGW  noVNC  Octave  OpenBLAS  Python  Qt  qwt  SWIG  Xerces 

References and Users

Since MBSim is a free open-source tool which can be used without any charge and tracking most users of MBSim are unknown by us. If you are using MBSim, or some of its tools, and want to be listed here feel free to contact us providing the name and link to your organization/project/... and a few words about your usecase. It will also be welcome if you provide a link from your site to this one. The following, alphabetical list, shows known users and references of MBSim:

Organization/Company/Name Usecase/Title
Bachmayer, M. - Technische Universität München  Effizientes Positionieren am Beispiel Regalbediengerät 
Baruffaldi, L.B. - Federal Institute of São Paulo  Effects of Coil Spring Three Dimensional Stiffness on Freight Wagon Lateral Behavior 
Cebulla, T. - Technische Universität München  Spatial Dynamics of Pushbelt CVTs: Model Enhancements to a Non-smooth Flexible Multibody System 
Clauberg, J. - Technische Universität München  Methoden zur parallelen Berechnung von nicht-glatten dynamischen Systemen 
Förg, D. - Technische Universität München  Stabilitäts- und Energiebetrachtungen für zweibeinige Laufmaschinen mit passiven Elementen 
Förg, M. - Technische Universität München  Multi-Body Systems with Set-Valued Force Laws - Theory and Numerics 
Friedrich, M. - Technische Universität München  Parallel Co-Simulation for Mechatronic Systems 
Ginzinger, L. - Technische Universität München  Control of a Rubbing Rotor using an Active Auxiliary Bearing 
Ginzinger, L. - University of Bath  Model-Based Condition Monitoring of an Auxiliary Bearing following Contact Events 
Grundl, K. - Technische Universität München  Validation of a Pushbelt Variator Model - Insights into a non-smooth Multibody System 
Hochschule Landshut  Education 
Huber, R. - Technische Universität München  Dynamics of Variable Valve Trains and Extrapolation Methods for Time-Stepping Schemes 
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mechanik - Technische Universität München  Analysing Dynamical Phenomenons: Introduction to MBSim
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mechanik - Technische Universität München  Education, Projects : valvetrain, hydraulic camshaft adjuster, rotordynamics, ...
Lehrstuhl für Fahrzeugtechnik - Technische Universität München  Motorcycle  model
Schindler, T. - Technische Universität München  Spatial Dynamics of Pushbelt CVTs 
Schneider, M. - Technische Universität München  Interdisziplinäre Simulation am Beispiel hydraulischer Nockenwellenversteller 
Zander, R. - Technische Universität München  Flexible Multi-Body Systems with Set-Valued Force Laws 

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